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In a video review by The Boot Guy, two popular work boots are compared and reviewed: Thorogood vs Timberland Pro. The reviewer discusses the materials, comfort, and durability of each boot, ultimately stating that both are excellent choices for those in the construction industry. The Thorogood boots are praised for their lightweight but high-quality build and reliable slip-resistant sole. The Timberland Pro boots are noted for their waterproofing and supportive insoles. The reviewer advises potential buyers to consider their specific needs and preferences before making a decision. Finally, he emphasizes the importance of wearing proper work boots for safety and comfort on the job. The video ends with a reminder to vote for the viewer’s preferred boot in the comments section.
@thebootguy what sizes are these? I wear a 10.5 in timberland and was wondering if the thorogood would be the same size for me.
Both boots are great I've tried both, I'm now leaning towards timberland comfortable boot for the money in my opinion.
I bought the "bowling boot" makes my ankles to warm.
Your wearing the thorogood boots wrong. You need to do the top eye
Thorogoods all the way
I tied these tims at the store, comfy but even more heel lift than the boondocks 👎
Thorogoods with the timberlands insoles are amazing !
Timberland ftw! Fk your opinions
Lose some weight 🥒🙀
There goes 2 minutes of my life I will never get back.
I like that TG's are resolable – Tim's Are not.
But the Tim's have that added sole protector and toe cap. I guess you can add some epoxy to the TG pair (I had to on my redwings). In reality, both are great boots. I guess it's a preference and location thing.
Tim's pro all day every day all types work welding framing concrete work and plumbing more comfortable and tougher the red wing,thuro, Dan r, Irish, gorgia boots I had them all longer lasting on soles and hold their shape and support longer…….. Might not be the best looking but best for work…
Ariat and thorogood have best looking style boots..but they got weaknesses to hold up to the most rough conditions ..
My thorogoods we're good except that the souls was not thick enough and inner cushions was thin and cheap..so standing in electrical sub stations on rocks 10 to 18 hour days and 6 to 7 days a week being a larger guy moving aggressively all day long my feel killed me.
Misleading! Its not a review – this guy is dumb, not an ironworker and just a fashion tuber. I wan my time back!!!
Thorpgoodness those T-Lands are U. G. L. Y.
And if they have the Thorogood insole they’ll feel amazing.
How are the soles on the timberlands in the snow/ice?
The tiberland looks comfterble
Thorogood usually cost more they should,but before I started working in redwing I had some timberland pro pit boss an cant complain
My timberland gridworks were made in Bangladesh not China I've heard they are the better version or something, but so far extremely comfortable, the sole is wearing slower than the Irish setters I had but we will see if they make it to the year
As much as id like to favor the american made goods…i just cant. Tims are far more comfortable and last longer in my opinion. I just trashed a pair of goods a couple years ago and didnt even have them a full year. Thorogood if you want to compete w china u better up your quality and drop your price lol
Thorogood is def the best boot, much more comfy
Hey boot guy,
I work in an automotive factory, the floor I walk on for 10 hours a day is steel plating (imagine really thick diamond plate flipped upside down). Would a wedge sole be good for me?
I have a pair of timberland pros in my locker I wore for a month, I’ll never wear em again, not a fan. Felt great In the store but I went back to my thorogood boots.
How do the thorogoods handle in the snow?
Thorogoods for me. It’s what I wear to work.
I just dislike how fast the heel on wedges and soles in general wear away so fast. Timberland Pro Series probably the best I've ever owned. They last the longest and functionally the best. Leather styles obviously look better though.
Tim’s all the way!! That’s all I wear very comfortable
Walk 12 hours on 130-280 degree asphalt for 6 days straight and get back to me with the results. Who cares what they look like. Construction isn't a fashion show.
Timberland pro
I've got the black alloy toe version of the timberlands. Worn them 40+ hours a weeks since October. They are holding up very well really have no complaints with them
How could you call this a review when both of the bolts are brand new? Also have you worked a full day in either of them? A full week? Month? You offer no opinions or experiences with either. Nor do you weigh any pros or cons for either boot. This channel is for hipsters who want to pretend they are real men and want people to think they do real man's work with their work boots and big beards. In reality these types just sit in the office posting on Reddit, writing blog posts, sipping $6 Starbucks drinks and wishing they had what it took to do real work in the field which is what these boots are designed for.
Timbs all the way. I’ve got these plus three other different pairs I use for different types of work. I’ve worn about every type of high dollar workboat and Timbs are my favorite. They look good too.
I just wore out a pair of Timberland pro rigmasters. Had them for 3 summers working on the oil rigs. I wear an insulated version of Timberland pro for the winter, and they are still going strong. So, I just bought a pair of thorogood steel toe boots for summer. Will see how they last. Looks like a very good boot. It's important to seal them with multiple coats of oil before use. When putting them away for the seasons, clean them very well, and oil them up before storing. Don't leave them outside, in the bed of your truck, etc. Just before use again, oil them up a few times to resoften the leather.
Fuck the look.. How about a comparison of performance when walking steele or wet conditions.. This video is deffinetly made for the yuppies desk working dinks who wanna play " being a man" on the weekends. What the fuck did this reveiw do besides.. What looks best.. Real steele/ pipefitters etc…. Don't give a fuck about the look..
being a pedorthist specialized in the working boots field, i can tell you these timberland are worth crap, its all one piece of leather making it go mushy very quick despite the nice look. its comfortable for 1 week and after that…crap. even the new pair in the video look all loose.. no support. piece of advice from a professional, dont go for them. the other ones thorogood I dont know em
I've always been a timberland guy, ever since I wore 'em in grade school.