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hey guys this is nathan with nick's handmade boots
today we are talking about how to condition your work boots let's get right in if you missed
our first video on how to deep clean your work boots go ahead and check that out first today
we're talking about how to condition your work boots so you got to get them clean before you can
condition them so it's pretty obvious to see that this leather is pretty dry you can see on this
black work leather some of these lighter spots you can see on the edges of the heel as well that it's
pretty dry there so we're going to take care of all of this today with our conditioning and let's
go to the next step so for the conditioning now we're actually going to start with the upper which
is essentially this whole portion here so in order to start conditioning the boot we are actually
going to start with just the upper portion here we'll do the sole and heal later for conditioning
the upper we're gonna use the nyx grease you can see more about the grease and oil in this video
here okay to apply the grease i'm gonna use a rag you can use your hands as well but this tends to
work pretty well for me so you're just going to take a little bit of that grease here on the rag
and then you'll see we'll just start to work this into the leather so around the hardware here we
don't want to put too much wax or oil around the hardware as that could really soften up this
leather so you can put light amounts around it but try not to overdo it so we'll just continue on
here with the conditioning like i said we'll put sparingly around the hardware and get the
whole boot conditioned now you can see as a transition here how much of a difference that
makes you can see this was just dry as could be and needed this conditioner so nyx crease
can go all the way up the the tongue or gusset here keep it out of the inside but
you can definitely put a good coat on the tongue okay once we're done putting all of the
nyx grease onto the boot we can just let it sit for a little while and allow
that boot to absorb the conditioner so you can see all the waxes that are still up on
the top of the boot this is going to add a lot of water resistance to your boot you can also tell
most of the oils have soaked into the leather and it doesn't feel oily to the touch now that
we've conditioned the upper let's move down to the edges of the heel block and the sole so
for the work boots here these boots come with black uppers and they'll have a black edge after
wearing the boots and the edge dye wearing off we're going to want to restore that so for that i
like to use this stain wax this is a like a stain wax kind of shoe polish type product if you want
to purchase any of the products we used in this video we'll leave a link below so because these
boots had a black edge on them i'm going to use the black shoe polish stain wax this stuff is
pretty messy you're going to want to be careful as this is going to stain any clothing that it
would get on so i'll just take a rag similar to how you'd shine shoes or boots just take a rag and
get a little bit of this on my rag and then we'll just start working this into the edges of the boot
so you can see there's a small amount on the rag and this heel block being dry you're going to need
to work this into it so that it soaks in a bit so you can see how it starts to color that
stack of leather and turn it black so we're just going to keep doing this all the way around
the boot and then i'll show you how it turns out so if you want you can also add
some of that black into here and dye the stitching but we're not going to
worry about that today so after this sits on the edges of the soles for a little while we
can take a rag and just start to buff off any extra this is going to keep that black from
transferring on to clothing or onto floors so at this point you can put in some new laces
and false tongues get your boots laced up if you like this tutorial and you want to see more like
it go and hit that like button and subscribe to our channel below otherwise you're good to
lace up and start wearing your boots again you