How To Find Your Boot Size | Nicks Handmade Boots

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hey guys this is lucas over at nick's handmade 
boots and today i'm going to be walking you   through the process of how you can get fit for 
a pair of boots from the comfort of your home   first things first if you haven't already check 
out this video about how easy our sizing is   now when beginning the sizing process keep 
in mind that our boots typically fit about a   half size shorter than typical branding 
sizing and most mass-produced footwear so   if your foot lines up to about a nine in brannic 
sizing consider going down to about an eight and   a half in our boots because our sizing is 
fairly consistent with brannac measurement   and mass-produced footwear most customers can 
pick their size and are very happy with their fit   if you're still unsure about what size to choose 
now i'm going to walk you through the two ways   that you can determine your size from home first 
method is the diy sizing guide go to our support   page under the faqs you can find both the link for 
the diy sizing guide and the instructions when you   open it up make sure it is set to scale and print 
it out once you have printed it out fold the page   along the dotted lines as the page instructs 
then tape the pages together connecting the   two halves of the boot afterwards fold up the 
back of the page where your heel will go place   the page down against a wall and with the socks 
you'll be wearing in the boots place your foot   on the paper with your heel back against the wall 
look to see where your longest toe lines up and go   down a half size from there next following the 
drawing on the instructions page measure around   the ball of your foot with a tailor's tape once 
you have measured both left and right reference   the sizing chart on the instructions page to 
find out your width in relation to your length   based on my measurements i line up to about a 12 
double e but i prefer a more snug fit so i go with   a 12e with these measurements you can be confident 
that the boot you ordered will fit you just right   the second method of fitting is our remote try on 
process once you've decided on the boots you would   like under the fitting method select the try 
on boot process which is only available for us   customers and comes with a little bit of an extra 
charge this is to cover the shipping fee to you   and back to us after you have placed your order go 
to the try on request form at the top of our page   fill out this form to the best of your ability 
and click submit at the bottom once we have a   try on boot available for you we will email you 
to confirm your address and send it out once   you receive the boots lace them up and follow 
the email instructions we sent you afterwards   give us a call to discuss the fit once we have 
decided on a size put the ups return label on   the outside of the box and send it back to us it's 
that easy i hope you enjoyed this video about our   sizing process at nyx if you haven't already check 
out this video and i'll catch you on the next one you

As found on YouTube

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About the Author: Mike I

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